Core Team

Kelvin Azevedo Santos, CEO, has been coding since age 12. He got a silver medal at the 2011 Brazilian Informatics Olympiad, fifth place at the 2011 Brazilian Chemistry Olympiad, and honourable mentions at the 2011 and 2012 Brazilian Mathematical Olympiads. Before finishing high school, he was accepted at ITA, one of the most difficult entrance exams in Brazil. Both in 2012 and in 2013 he got first place in the Fuvestão, a general knowledge competition with over 30k participants, being awarded a brand-new car each time for the result. He sold these prizes and used the money to gain financial independence from age 16.

In 2014 he began studying medicine at the University of São Paulo Medical School, already aiming at gaining admission to the exclusive Molecular Science graduation, which he did six months later. Two years later, he dropped out of college to become a trader at a high-frequency trading fund in Brazil.

At the fund, he developed trading strategies that negotiated over one billion dollars in daily volume, up to 8% of the daily volume in Forex and index futures at B3, the Brazilian exchange. His algorithms, which include both market making and sniper strategies, are still running and have generated over 10 million dollars in profits.

Nicholas Costa Lima, CTO, is a senior software engineer, previously a cofounder at Avocado, a groceries delivery startup. As a high school student, he excelled in chemistry competitions, including the first place at the 2012 Brazilian Chemistry Olympiad, the bronze medal at the 2013 International Chemistry Olympiad, and the gold medal at the 2013 Olimpíada Ibero Americana de Química. Ever since he has focused on programming and computer science. Beginning in 2015 he studied computer science at the University of São Paulo, before dropping out in 2018 to co-found Avocado.

Kelvin and Nicholas know each other from their time at the 2011 preparatory training for the International Chemistry Olympiad. Kelvin was impressed by Nicholas’ skill and determination at solving hard problems, and has been eager to work alongside him ever since. The two are now the co-founders at Quiver.

Matthew Eric Fisher is an experienced C/C++ developer who has previously worked at Solomon Brothers and a gateway developer at the New York Stock Exchange. He has had experience working at startups, including cryptocurrency companies such as Blockstream. He is our lead matching engine developer, and also contributes significantly to the company’s overall architecture and technical decisions.

Richard Jesus, Head of Design, is product designer and mentor at Google Launchpad Accelerator, solves real problems through technology, and excels at simplifying complexities for a human and usable experience. He has carried out projects for companies such as Apple, Shell, Nestlé, IBM, LG, Paypal, Honda, Santander, GE and Volkswagen.

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